- Keep Calm
- Leave the area immediately
- Exit the building via evacuation route
- Pull the nearest fire alarm on the way out
- Go to the ECE Building South Entrance emergency gathering point
- Call 911 using any available phone
- Notify your supervisor and an NFC staff member
Liquid Chemical Spill
- Remove affected clothing immediately
- Wash affected body area with plenty of water (eye rinse station, showers)
- Leave the facility
- Seek medical assistance
- Notify your supervisor and an NFC staff member
Gas Chemical Release
- Leave the area immediately
- Exit the building via evacuation route
- Pull the nearest fire alarm on the way out
- Go to the ECE Building South Entrance gathering point
- Call 911 using any available phone
- Notify your supervisor and an MFC staff member
Power Outage
- Keep calm
- Quickly turn off / safe mode critical equipment
- Leave the facility
- Notify your supervisor and an NFC staff member
Facilities Outage
- Call to Report:
Exhaust, CDA, water (non-DI), building heat - Facilities Management: (520) 621-3000
House N2, DI water - NFC Staff (James: 520-971-3405) or (Greg: 678-372-4665)
Highly Toxic/Flammable Chemicals in this Facility
- Dichlorosilane, ammonia, TMA, BTBAS, BDEAS - Contact: Greg
Rev. '24